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Woman & Finance

Personal Finance 101 Course

Conducted by Mapalo Makhu

Are you ready to take control of your finances and start reaching your financial goals? 

 Our personal finance course is here to help you do just that! 

Our comprehensive course is perfect for the beginner, it covers everything from budgeting and saving, to investing and understanding credit.  

With our step-by-step guidance and easy-to-understand explanations, you’ll be able to make informed financial decisions and create a plan for achieving your financial goals. 

Our course includes

  • Interactive lessons and exercises to help you learn and apply what you’ve learned
  • Access to our online community where you can connect with other people on their financial journey
  • A variety of resources such as worksheets, videos and checklists to keep you on track
  • Our course is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your needs allowing you to complete it at your own pace, and you will have access to the material for life-time.

Are you tired of feeling lost in the financial jungle?

 Do you struggle with:

Money Blues

Uncertain how your past experiences shape your financial decisions 

Debt Monster

Feeling trapped by debt; credit card, personal loans, living on overdraft etc 

Big Buy Bewilderment

Making informed decisions about expensive purchases without buyer’s remorse. 

Budgeting Woes

Creating a plan that sticks and helps you save, not just survive

Credit Score Mystery

Unsure how to build and maintain a good credit score? 

Analysis Paralysis

The world of investing seems complex and risky 

The Solution

Master Your Money, Master Your Future: The Personal Finance 101 Course  with Mapalo Makhu

Stop feeling lost. Take control of your financial future. Enroll in The Personal Finance 101 Course with Mapalo Makhu today! 

Shift your money mindset

Scarcity to abundance. Transform your relationship with money and unlock your full financial potential. 

Craft a workable budget

Ditch the generic templates and create a plan that lets you live your life and achieve your goals.

Develop a plan to conquer debt

Build a strong credit score. Break free from the debt cycle and build a solid financial foundation

Make informed decisions about big purchases

 Learn strategies to avoid impulse buys and make smart choices for expensive items. 

Unlock the world of investing

Start building wealth. Demystify the investment world and start building a brighter financial future. 

Create a personalized retirement plan

Secure your golden years and plan for the retirement you deserve. 

Stop feeling lost. Take control of your financial future. Enroll in The Personal Finance 101 Course with Mapalo Makhu today! For Only

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Don’t just take our word for it

Feeling lost with student loans? This course gave me a plan! Mapalo's guidance helped me budget better and even start saving for a car. Now, I feel empowered about my financial future
Azola Mbatha

As a freelancer, income can be unpredictable. The 101 Course helped me create a system to manage my cash flow and build an emergency fund. Now, I'm less stressed and can focus on growing my business.
David Jones

I always wanted to invest, but it seemed so complicated. This course broke things down in a way I could understand. Now, I'm confidently investing for my retirement and feeling optimistic about the future
Emily Ngcobo
Thanks to Mapalo's course, I finally conquered my credit card debt! It wasn't easy, but her strategies and support really made a difference. Now, I have a bright credit score and a brighter financial outlook
Liam Hendricks

I used to live paycheck to paycheck, feeling stuck. The 101 Course helped me change my mindset and create a budget that actually works for me! Now, I'm saving for my dream vacation and feel more in control of my finances.
Lerato Moloi

As a young couple, navigating finances together was challenging. This course gave us the tools to communicate openly about money and set joint financial goals. We're now working towards our dream home, feeling more united than ever
Sarah Patel

The Personal Finance 101 online course is more than just a standard offering; it's crafted specifically for individuals in South Africa beginning their financial journey. This course breaks down daunting money matters, making complex topics approachable and easy to understand.

Here’s what you’ll learn

Understand your financial beliefs and habits, and develop a healthy money mindset.

Learn how to create a budget that works for your unique lifestyle and income, so you can spend consciously and save efficiently.

Discover strategies to manage and eliminate debt, including student loans, car payments, and credit cards. Build a strong credit score for a brighter financial future.

Demystify credit scores and learn how to build and maintain a healthy one, which unlocks better interest rates on loans and credit cards.

 Learn how to make informed decisions about expensive purchases, avoiding impulse buys and ensuring you get the most out of your money.

Start planning for your golden years early! Learn how to set realistic retirement goals and create a personalized plan to achieve them.

Protect yourself from unexpected financial events with effective risk management strategies. This includes building an emergency fund and understanding insurance options

*When Your Purchase the Course You Will Gain Access The Full Course*

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