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Woman & Finance

Personal Finance 1-on-1 Coaching with
Mapalo Makhu

Transform Your Financial Future

Are you ready to take control of your finances and achieve your goals? Welcome to my personalized finance coaching, where your journey to financial empowerment begins. 

Who Is This Coaching For?

Wants to gain a clear understanding of their financial situation

Seeks to eliminate debt and build a solid financial foundation

Is ready to create and follow a personalized financial plan

Desires ongoing support and expert advice to achieve their financial goals

Whether you're a young professional, a growing family, or someone looking to retire with confidence, my coaching is designed to help you succeed

What You Can Expect  

Getting to Know You (1 hour)

We’ll start with an in-depth session to understand your current financial situation, goals, and aspirations. This is your opportunity to share your dreams and challenges, so I can tailor my guidance to fit your unique needs.

Feedback and Recommendations
(1 hour)

After analysing your financial information, I’ll provide a detailed report with actionable recommendations. We’ll discuss strategies to help you manage your money better, eliminate debt, and start building wealth

Follow-Up Call (30 minutes)

We’ll have a follow-up call to review your progress, address any new questions, and adjust your plan as needed. This ensures you stay on track and continue making strides towards your financial goals.

What Is Expected of You

To make the most of our coaching sessions, please be prepared to share all relevant financial documents, including: 

3 months of bank statements

Investment statements

Debt statements

Why Choose Personal Finance Coaching

Customised Guidance: Every session is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Expert Insights: Benefit from my experience and expertise in personal finance.



The cost for this comprehensive coaching package is R3,500. This includes two 1-hour sessions and a 30-minute follow-up call, ensuring you get the personalized attention and detailed plan you need to succeed. 

How to Get Started


Ready to take the first step towards financial freedom? Book your session today and let’s start building a brighter financial future together.

Secured Payment Gateway

*If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via WhatsApp at +27 67 018 1665 or email us at info@womanandfinance.co.za. 

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