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Updated: Jul 29

Hey Tribe,

Many of you who have been part of the Tribe know that I used to write for City Press, where I had the privilege of working alongside Maya Fisher-French. She has been more than just a colleague; she’s a mentor and a guiding force in my career. We’ve collaborated on numerous projects, and I’m thrilled to introduce our latest venture together.

Introducing the Santam Insure Your Future Money Bootcamp—a podcast designed to help you take control of your financial journey. Join us as we provide insights, tools, and strategies to empower your financial future.

In this exclusive series, we present the transformative path to financial education. Over the next six months, we’ll walk you through a 13-episode journey designed to help you take charge of your finances.

New podcasts will be released biweekly, allowing you to follow along with the steps of the Money Bootcamp. You can access the discussed documents and spreadsheets, which are available as free downloadable templates below, to fill out as you progress through the journey.

Budget Template

Credit Agreements Template

Net Worth Calculator

Money Questionnaire

You can access all the Podcasts and other resources on Santam’s website here:

I hope you’ll join in on the journey!

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