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You're Not Broke, 
You're Pre-Rich

a comprehensive action plan for financial empowerment. Packed with clear steps, practical advice, and real-world examples specifically tailored for South Africans


If you are a millennial who is trying to figure out how money works, this book is for you. With simple, relatable and sometimes amusing stories about how to manage money on a day-to-day basis, you will learn how to change your mindset about money, get out of debt and stay debt-free, invest your money and, ultimately, live your best life.

Why i wrote this book?

“I wrote this book because I believe the road to financial freedom is a journey everyone can embark on. I wrote this book with you in mind. You, who perhaps have never been taught anything about how money works. You, who have been too intimidated to pick up and read a book about personal finance because you were too scared of the jargon. You, who want to #getyourmoneyright.
I had you in mind when I wrote this book.”



Schools rarely teach money management, and discussing finances remains a taboo in many households, leaving countless individuals bewildered about personal finance


Feeling overwhelmed

Not sure where to start with managing your


Rising Costs of Living

From rent to groceries, everything seems to be going up, making it harder

to keep up.

Relationships & Money

Navigate money matters with your partner and build a financially secure future can be difficult 

Mapalo Makhu

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Marital Contracts

Confused about the different marital regimes and how they impact your finances 

Debt Dilemma

Student loans, car payments, lifestyle, store accounts – debt can quickly snowball if we’re not careful. 



Ballin’ on a budget? How do you enjoy a good life without

breaking the


Introducing Your Financial Freedom Blueprint


You’re Not Broke, You’re Pre-Rich

top finance books in South Africa

You're Not Broke, You're Pre-Rich isn't just a book—it's a comprehensive action plan for financial empowerment. Packed with clear steps, practical advice, and real-world examples specifically tailored for South Africans, this guide will equip you with the confidence and knowledge to navigate and thrive in any economic climate.

We cover the following in the book

Black Tax Issues

​Supporting loved ones, because family comes first! 

Investing your money

Start investing today. Learn about the different investment options available 


Plan your money like a boss, make every penny count! 

Savings and Financial scams

Turn your dreams into reality, one saved rand at a time and protect your hard-earned cash 

Emergency funds

Life throws curveballs, be ready with a financial safety net! 

Shift Your Money Mindset

​Ditch the “broke” story, unlock your “pre-rich”



Manage Credit and how you use it



Learn how to protect yourself and mabnage risks in

your life

What people say



​It is easy to comprehend and the recommended methods in the book are easy to use.


If you are tired of being broke or unhappy financially, I highly recommend this book for you.


​never before have i read such well detailed book. It really touches on every month end's struggle


Because I've always been watching Mapalo Makhu on YouTube, I read this book in her voice and it felt like she was talking to me.

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